"I just received my package of Stubby Steve's pellets and put them through a 21 point inspection...
oh my goodness!  This blows every other pellet based bait out of the water.  Berkely hatchery 
chews don't even hold a candle to this stuff.  Pellet flies are no more...It stays on your hook
all day long and looks, smells, and tastes exactly like fish food.  Steve's pellets leaves an
amazing chum slick in the water that Blue Gill, Catfish, Carp, Hybrid Striped Bass, and  
especially Trout cannot resist!"     
                         Nate Herman - Herman Brothers Pond Management - Peoria, Illinois
                         Cabela's Trophy Properties Lake and Pond Services

"On my debut outing with these lures I hooked into 5 different species of fish within an hour."
                         Todd Overton - Overton Fisheries - Buffalo, Texas
                         Cabela's Lake/Pond Services and Lake Mapping Partner

"Stubby Steve's is the best bait on the market now... this bait lasts, it's not unheard of to 
catch 10 or more fish on one lure."
                         Greg Grimes - Aquatic Enviromental Services, Inc.
                         Ball Ground, Georgia

"I fish an average of 340 days per year.  I was recently fishing in Roanoke, Virginia.  I was
 using live bait but wasn't doing well.  Some fellows beside me were catching one after another.
I finally asked what they were using.  They said the new Stubby Steve's.  I talked them out of
three pieces and I proceeded to catch 25 fish (Crappie, Trout, and Catfish) interchanging two
pieces.  The next weekend I was in Massachusetts fishing in a Catfish tournament.  I let my
friend use Stubby Steve's and he won the tournament using only Stubby Steve's! This is the 
greatest fishing lure ever invented... you can't get it off the hook!"
                         Paul Whitman - Albany, New York

"My daughters and I each used a piece of Stubby Steve's. We caught over 40 Blue gill.  I put all
three pieces back in the package for later...were we supposed to do that?"
                         Ron D. - Edisto Island, South Carolina
                         Two Sweet Tackle Bait Shop

"I caught 5 fish in 10 minutes using only one piece!"  Greg Ray - Kennesaw, Georgia

"Your small pellets work great! My wife and I put them on a fly rod and caught a Blue gill on
almost EVERY cast!"      Bob McFarland - Talco, Texas

"Yesterday I caught the biggest Blue gill I have ever caught.  This thing was massive! I caught
him on a Stubby Steve pellet."
                         Jesse Farnswith, Texas

"I didn't have any worms and someone wanted to go fishing.  I gave him the sample pack of Stubby
Steve's you sent me to try out.  He came back so excited by how many, many fish he caught using
just one or two pieces."  Andy's Trout Farm - Dillard, Georgia

"We took our son fishing. All three of us used minnows but my son and I added Stubby Steve's to
our hook.  He and I caught a catfish, large mouth, and a small mouth!  His Daddy went home 
empty-handed (he had to suffer the consequences of NOT using Stubby Steve's)!"
                          Jessica Robins - Bailey Switch, Virginia

"Spring has been cool and wet so I have only been catfishing once... they were not biting.  We
used many types of baits.  The only two catfish we caught were on your lure."
                          Thomas Wilson - Donovan Lakes
                          Marion, Alabama 

"Steve showed up at my pond last evening and said, 'I'm here to catch one of those big cats'.
 Since my pond is one of Stubby Steve's test ponds, I've seen Steve catch many Blue Gill, 
hybrid-striped bass, and large mouth bass on a fly rod.  However, these fish never leave the
Stubby Steve's alone long enough to hook into one of these old, finicky, hook-shy cats!  Steve's
plan; to use a #3 hook so the Blue Gill couldn't eat it.  I told him to expect a 12 pounder.
His plan paid off and in a short amount of time he caught this
20lb 15oz channel cat.  The largest channel
cat ever caught in this pond previously
was 12 pounds.  This product consistently
out performs every other lure ever used
in this pond."

Larry Crane
Retired Wildlife Biologist - State of VA
No Business, Virginia